Far de pì – Fasilmente, Vełosemente

LibreOffice ła ze na suite formidàbiłe par l'ofisio; l'intarfasa neta e el gran nùmaro de strumenti a dispozision i ve parmete de łibarar ła vostra creatividà e de aumentar ła vostra produtividà.
Łe defarenti aplegasion desponìbiłi łe fà de LibreOffice ła mejo suite par l'ofisio Łìbara e
Open Source che A ghe ze so'l marcà.

Suite łìbara par l'ofisio

LibreOffice 7: ła suite łìbara par l'ofisio che ła se destingue in mezo a tute cheł'altre.

Łaseve imagar!

Un projeto dinàmego

LibreOffice el ze uno de i projeti pì dinàmeghi e sòłidi inte'l mondo de'l software łìbaro e open source.

Chi ch'A semo – I nostri vałori

Zente fantàstega

LibreOffice el ze pì asè de un sénplise software. El revarda łe parsone, ła cultura, ła produsion, ła sconpartision e ła cołaborasion

Vegnì a far parte de ła comunità!

LibreOffice el ze un software Łìbaro e Open Source. El dezviłupo el ze verto a i novi tałenti e a łe nove idèe; el nostro software el ze testà e doparà tuti i dì da na comunità de utenti granda asè e afesionà

LibreOffice Base and Firebird – a special relationship

(Translated from the Spanish original.) Juan C. Sanz writes: The Firebird database is distinguished by its unique features within the LibreOffice Base compatible database ecosystem. Why do I consider Firebird to be special? Because it is the only database engine that supports all possible forms of connection in Base and also allows the creation of […]

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Announcement of LibreOffice 25.2.2 and LibreOffice 24.8.6

Berlin, 27 March 2025 – The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 25.2.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 25.2 family [1], and LibreOffice 24.8.6, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 24.8 family [2], for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux. LibreOffice is the […]

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LibreOffice Base and Firebird – a special relationship

(Translated from the Spanish original.) Juan C. Sanz writes: The Firebird database is distinguished by its unique features within the LibreOffice Base compatible database ecosystem. Why do I consider Firebird to be special? Because it is the only database engine that supports all possible forms of connection in Base and also allows the creation of […]

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Announcement of LibreOffice 25.2.2 and LibreOffice 24.8.6

Berlin, 27 March 2025 – The Document Foundation announces the availability of LibreOffice 25.2.2, the second minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 25.2 family [1], and LibreOffice 24.8.6, the sixth minor release of the LibreOffice 24.8 family [2], for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux. LibreOffice is the […]

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