Far de pì – Fasilmente, Vełosemente

LibreOffice ła ze na suite formidàbiłe par l'ofisio; l'intarfasa neta e el gran nùmaro de strumenti a dispozision i ve parmete de łibarar ła vostra creatividà e de aumentar ła vostra produtividà.
Łe defarenti aplegasion desponìbiłi łe fà de LibreOffice ła mejo suite par l'ofisio Łìbara e
Open Source che A ghe ze so'l marcà.

Suite łìbara par l'ofisio

LibreOffice 7: ła suite łìbara par l'ofisio che ła se destingue in mezo a tute cheł'altre.

Łaseve imagar!

Un projeto dinàmego

LibreOffice el ze uno de i projeti pì dinàmeghi e sòłidi inte'l mondo de'l software łìbaro e open source.

Chi ch'A semo – I nostri vałori

Zente fantàstega

LibreOffice el ze pì asè de un sénplise software. El revarda łe parsone, ła cultura, ła produsion, ła sconpartision e ła cołaborasion

Vegnì a far parte de ła comunità!

LibreOffice el ze un software Łìbaro e Open Source. El dezviłupo el ze verto a i novi tałenti e a łe nove idèe; el nostro software el ze testà e doparà tuti i dì da na comunità de utenti granda asè e afesionà

localwriter: A LibreOffice Writer extension for local generative AI

LibreOffice is a privacy-oriented office suite that runs on your own computer and doesn’t include AI features out-of-the-box. But we know that many users are interested in combining AI tools with the suite, so we talked to John Balis who is working on a (fully optional!) LibreOffice extension called localwriter. Here’s what he had to […]

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Czech translation of LibreOffice Getting Started Guide 24.8

Zdeněk Crhonek (aka “raal”) from the Czech LibreOffice community writes: The Czech team has finished its translation of the LibreOffice Getting Started guide 24.8. As usual it was a team effort, with translations by Petr Kuběj, Zdeněk Crhonek and Radomír Strnad; localized pictures from Roman Toman; and technical support from Miloš Šrámek. Thanks to all […]

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2025-01-17 Friday

Up early, sync with Dave, Anuj, lunch with Julia, worked away at contractuals. Onto mail catch-up, and slides.

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LibreOffice 25.2 RC2 is available for testing

LibreOffice 25.2 will be released as final at the beginning of February, 2025 ( Check the Release Plan ) being LibreOffice 25.2 Release Candidate 2 (RC2) the forth and last pre-release since the development of version 25.2 started in mid Juny, 2024. Since the previous release, LibreOffice 25.2 RC1, 104 commits have been submitted to the code repository and

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