Far de pì – Fasilmente, Vełosemente

LibreOffice ła ze na suite formidàbiłe par l'ofisio; l'intarfasa neta e el gran nùmaro de strumenti a dispozision i ve parmete de łibarar ła vostra creatividà e de aumentar ła vostra produtividà.
Łe defarenti aplegasion desponìbiłi łe fà de LibreOffice ła mejo suite par l'ofisio Łìbara e
Open Source che A ghe ze so'l marcà.

Suite łìbara par l'ofisio

LibreOffice 7: ła suite łìbara par l'ofisio che ła se destingue in mezo a tute cheł'altre.

Łaseve imagar!

Un projeto dinàmego

LibreOffice el ze uno de i projeti pì dinàmeghi e sòłidi inte'l mondo de'l software łìbaro e open source.

Chi ch'A semo – I nostri vałori

Zente fantàstega

LibreOffice el ze pì asè de un sénplise software. El revarda łe parsone, ła cultura, ła produsion, ła sconpartision e ła cołaborasion

Vegnì a far parte de ła comunità!

LibreOffice el ze un software Łìbaro e Open Source. El dezviłupo el ze verto a i novi tałenti e a łe nove idèe; el nostro software el ze testà e doparà tuti i dì da na comunità de utenti granda asè e afesionà

LibreOffice 25.2, the office suite that meets today’s user needs

The new major release provides many user interface and accessibility improvements, plus the usual interoperability features Berlin, 6 February 2025 – LibreOffice 25.2, the new major release of the free, volunteer-supported office suite for Windows (Intel, AMD and ARM), macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel) and Linux is available on our download page. LibreOffice is the […]

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LibreOffice at the Univention Summit 2025

The northern German state of Schleswig-Holstein is moving 30,000 PCs from Microsoft Windows and Office to Linux and LibreOffice. At the recent Univention Summit 2025 which took place on January 23 and 24 in Bremen, the LibreOffice project was present and met with the people overseeing the migration. 500 people attended the event, a mixture […]

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2025-02-07 Friday

Morning calls, contract review, updated blog: renumbering to accomodate missed 31st January. Lunch with Julia, encouraged (trigger warning) to see my old Scout leader finally jailed. Started on the mail backlog. Relaxed by poking some more at performance bits - discovered and filed an unhelpful new DOM element leak. Wondering why my Bitwarden bootstrap-autofill.js is visible in profiling - the plague of autofill […]

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2025-02-06 Thursday

Tech planning call. Poked at a performance problem with Szymon, Caolan & Chris Lord. It turns out doing expensive things in the JS keystroke handler can totally starve the browser of ever achieving anything: fun - not updating avatar images on each keystroke - makes life much better. Worked on a statement of work, and intersecting contractuals through the afternoon - lots of sitting still in one place. Published the next strip:

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