
"The free office suite the community has been dreaming of for 12 years."
"Ła suite par ofisio łìbara che ła comunità ła ga sonjà par 12 ani."

Cuando che ła The Document Foundation ła ze stà anunsià in Setenbre de'l 2010, A gavemo scumisià con na scuadra de contribudori a łongo tèrmene par co'l fin de métar i fondamenti par un projeto bazà so ideałi de incluzività, cołaborasion e trasparensa. Propio da 'sto fin A ze nasùo LibreOffice. Da ałora, LibreOffice el ze cresùo fin a deventar na comunità łarga de contribudori, utenti e sostenjidori che i ga demostrà sensa dubio che metendo in pràtega 'sti ideałi el suceso el vien da só posta. Inte i pochi ani da i primi pasi, A semo stài onorài da premi par i rezultadi straordenari ch'A se ga portà caza.

Varda cosa che ła comunità LibreOffice ła ze rivà a ciapar ... proa soło imajinarte cuanto altro uncora ch'A faremo ...


  • Linux Journal 2011 "Readers' Choice Awards 2011"

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    "Best Office Suite LibreOffice Runner-up: The king has been dethroned! Well, sorta ... The good news for users is that LibreOffice has a large dev crew, and updates and feature enhancements are coming out at a really nice rate. The king is dead; long live the king!"


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  • InfoWorld Bossie Awards 2011


    " desperately needed a rejuvenating shot in the arm, and it's come in the form of the LibreOffice project, a variant of OO.o developed by the Document Foundation ... but what's most important is the accelerated pace of development for the product. The newest features show that much more attention to improving performance and making the product more like ..."


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  • 2011 Members Choice Results

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    Here are the results of the 2011 Members Choice Awards which is held annually. Browse to the 2011 Members Choice Awards "full results" page for a closer look at the comments.


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